

OU’s online degree evaluation (WebCAPP) allows you to compare your OU and 转移过程 work against degree requirements published in the 研究生目录.


从第一学期开始, you should familiarize yourself with the online degree evaluation process. Run your online degree evaluation prior to course registration to review any outstanding degree requirements and monitor academic progress.

As a graduate student, you are governed by the degree program requirements published in the 研究生目录 在你被研究生项目录取的时候生效.

The degree evaluation is valuable advising tool that makes your path to graduation an easier one to follow, 但这并不是为了取代与指导老师的会面.

An official degree evaluation will be conducted by our office once you have applied for graduation. Final approval for graduation is required by your department and the 研究生院. 对原文有任何修改, approved Plan of Study must be submitted to the 研究生院 in order to be incorporated into the online degree evaluation system. 另外, 你应该确保更新了, adviser-approved Plan of Study is on file in the 研究生院 prior to applying for graduation.


Each student is assigned a faculty adviser upon admission to a graduate program. 教师 advisers provide assistance in developing a Plan of Study and selecting appropriate graduate courses that adhere to program curriculum, as well as discussing career options and alternatives after graduation.

As a graduate student, you are governed by the degree program requirements published in the 研究生目录 在你被研究生项目录取的时候生效. You may choose to meet program requirements published in a later edition of the 研究生目录; however, you must satisfy all the curriculum requirements as specified in that catalog. 要更改目录版本,必须提交 修改研究生目录版本 表格更新您的在线学位评估. 如果你被研究生课程重新录取, you must follow all the program requirements and policies published in the 研究生目录 in effect at the time of readmission.

与您的教师项目顾问协商完成, 学习计划详细说明了具体的课程, exit option and other requirements you must complete in order to earn your graduate degree.

You should consult with your faculty adviser during the first semester, 而且不迟于你研究生课程的第一学年结束, 制定书面的学习计划. 学习计划, 由你的研究生课程导师批准, must be submitted to the 研究生院 in order to update your Online 度评价 (WebCAPP).

经批准的学习计划可随时修改. 直到正式批准更新的学习计划, your original or current modification of the plan will remain in effect. You are responsible for meeting with your faculty adviser on an ongoing basis and keeping your Plan of Study updated, 根据需要.


Online degree evaluations are considered unofficial and do not replace the official graduation audit conducted by the 研究生院.


  1. 控件中的帆链接 学生门户
  2. 点击学生服务
  3. 点击学生记录
  4. 点击学位评估
  5. 选择当前Term并单击Submit
  6. Your current curriculum information will appear; if the information is not correct, 请提交学位评定调整表
  7. 点击Generate New Evaluation
  8. Select your Program (click the radio button to the left of the program description)
  9. 选择您期望的毕业期限,并单击生成请求
  10. 您现在处于学位评估报告屏幕


  1. 控件中的帆链接 学生门户
  2. 点击学生服务
  3. 点击学生记录
  4. 点击学位评估
  5. 选择当前Term并单击Submit
  6. 单击假设分析
  7. Select the Term in which you were/will be admitted to the program; students looking to transfer programs should use the current catalog
  8. 选择您希望查看的程序并单击“继续”
  9. 选择专业(忽略校园选项)
  10. Click Add More to add a concentration (selected programs only), or click Submit
  11. 选择您期望的毕业期限,并单击生成请求
  12. 您现在处于学位评估报告屏幕

如果您对学位评估有疑问,请查看 帆的常见问题页面.

  1. 单击“登录到安全区域”
  2. 输入用户ID和密码,然后单击Login
  3. 点击院系服务
  4. 点击顾问菜单
  5. 点击学位评估
  6. 选择当前Term并单击Submit
  7. 输入建议者的Grizzly ID,或按名称搜索,然后单击Submit
  8. 确认您有正确的学生,然后单击Submit
  9. 点击Generate New Evaluation
  10. Select the advisee’s Program (click the radio button to the left of the program description)
  11. Select the advisee’s expected graduation Term and click Generate Request
  12. 您现在处于学位评估报告屏幕

如果您对学位评估有疑问,请查看 帆的常见问题页面.

  • Area
    • Areas are the building blocks for programs in the degree evaluation system. 它们代表了学位课程的每个主要组成部分. 
  • CAPP
    • 课程的缩写, Advising and Program Planning software used to generate your degree evaluation.
  • 目录项
    • Determines which catalog requirements are used in generating the degree evaluation.
  • 课程
    • The programs offered at 365英国上市官网 are what constitute the curriculum.
  • 输入项
    • 学位要求将根据“入学期限”进行评估.” The entry term is the term you were admitted to your graduate program.
  • 评估过程
    • 检查你取得某一学位的过程. 当你在帆中运行评估过程时, the degree evaluation checks course work against requirements from the 研究生目录 and generates a report. The report details whether or not you have completed the degree requirements of the program.
  • 评价项
    • 产生学位评价的术语.
  • 异常
    • 异常反映了任何更改, 例如放弃或替代, that are approved by the faculty adviser to be applied to your graduate program.
  • 预计毕业日期
    • This date is automatically generated and may not always reflect the actual expected date of graduation. If you run a “What-if” degree evaluation, the expected date of graduation will be blank.
  • 正在进行的 
    • Courses you have enrolled in that have not yet been graded and entered into academic history. The degree evaluation report assumes you will satisfactorily complete the courses for which you are currently enrolled and that none of these are duplicates or exceed the maximum allowed toward degree requirements.
  • 见过
    • Indicates requirements for a program, group or area have been satisfied.
  • 不满足
    • Indicates requirements for a program, group or area have not been satisfied.
  • 总平均绩点
    • Current grade point average for all courses taken at the graduate level at 365英国上市官网; 转移过程s are not included in the overall GPA.
  • Source
    • 指示OU课程是否满足要求, 转移过程, 或弃权/替换.
  • 使用
    • Indicates the number of credits/courses used for the degree evaluation. 这包括正在进行的课程.
  • 未使用的
    • Indicates the number of credits/courses not used for the degree evaluation. 一般包含P或I级的课程.
  • WebCAPP
    • The online version of CAPP that allows you and advisers to view past compliance, 对当前数据运行新的遵从性, 或者运行一个“如果”的场景.
  • 假设分析
    • Degree evaluation option used to explore how completed courses might fulfill the requirements of another graduate program(s).


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星期一至星期五上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.